99 sudoku problems in Haskell, 97

2015 Dec 11

Problem 97 is the last problem from the list I’ll be tackling. Sudoku puzzles have been a recurring theme in CS course material, I think because they combine simple rules with the potential for a variety of solutions, and contain interesting insights, especially when it comes to things like parallelisation.

Humble beginnings

For P97 I chose to begin by adapting a solution I wrote ~10 years ago. I’d implemented it as an example solution for a parallel systems course, of which I was a TA at the time. The implementation was in C and used MPI to parallelise the workload in two ways: split the puzzles requested to be solved, or parallelise solving each individual puzzle, depending on the workload.

The second part is lost in this writeup. For this post, I will keep only the high-level choices which made the solver easy to understand and implement, and as we’ll see later, its efficiency will come from different choices. We begin by modelling our board, and some basic convention:

type Grid = Board Value
type Board a = [Row a]
type Row a = [a]
type Value = Char

-- A blank square may contain a list of values:
type Choices = [Value]

boxsize :: Int
boxsize = 3

values :: [Value]
values = ['1'..'9']

empty :: Value -> Bool
empty = (== '0')

There’s no reason for giving 0 a special meaning. Others prefer a dot. I went along with the sudoku puzzles provided by Gordon Royle here.

Our solver interface will be a single function, solve, which will accept an initial Grid as an argument and return a list of possible solutions. The list will be empty if the input is not solvable: solve :: Grid -> [Grid]

The solution strategy (with 10 years in hindsight) is:

  • Enumerate all possible choices of empty cells; each choice is a different result, i.e. Grid
  • Prune the search space by:
    • Does a board violate a sudoku rule about duplicates?
    • Does a square contain no choices at all?
    • Repeatedly prune until the possible choices do not change
  • Produce solutions by making a choice out of all possible ones and repeatedly prune

Note we will not be guessing. We’re interested in all the solutions, and Haskell being lazy provides us with the choice of one immediate solution with no extra penalty!

This sounds somewhat complicated, so let’s begin with some basic auxiliary functions:

-- Returns whether a list contains a single element:
is_single :: [a] -> Bool
is_single [_] = True
is_single _ = False

-- From earlier problems,
-- Given an integer N and a list, split the list in sublists of length N:
chop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chop n [] = []
chop n xs = take n xs : chop n (drop n xs)

is_single will be useful to detect the case where a square contains a single choice/solution. chop we will use to rearrange the board. Now modelling a Board as a list of rows has some very useful properties, which are made apparent in different ways in C and Haskell. In C, storing matrices in row-major order allows one to perform some operations very quickly using Z-order - this is because of good spatial locality, which dramatically reduces TLB & cache misses for those operations. In Haskell, it’s making the code that much cleaner:

-- Given a board, it returns a list of rows:
rows :: Board a -> [Row a]
rows = id -- A board is defined as a list of rows.

-- Given a board, it returns a list of columns:
columns :: Board a -> [Row a]
columns = transpose -- Easier than `zip9`..

-- Given a board, it returns a list of boxes:
boxes :: Board a -> [Row a]
boxes = unpack . (map columns) . pack
        pack = split . map split
        split = chop boxsize
        unpack = map concat . concat

boxes requires some explanation of its own:

  1. A board is a list of rows
  2. Each row contains exactly BOXSIZE elements for each of NCOLUMNS / BOXSIZE boxes
  3. Group the resulting elements in groups of BOXSIZE
  4. For each of the groups from (3), combine them by “zipping” BOXSIZE elements together (transpose). We now have our boxes in lists of lists.
  5. Now if we had created a structure to reflect #4, we need to flatten it (not the case with the C solution): map concat . concat does this

Phew. That’s a mouthful. It seemed much easier in the C implementation, where all one needed was traversing in Z-order. I wonder how much will the creation of those extra objects (lists) will take.

Now to check rules:

-- From earlier problems too (!), returns True if a list contains duplicates:
nodupes :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
nodupes [] = True
nodupes (x : xs) = not (elem x xs) && nodupes xs

-- A valid Grid contains no duplicates in all rows, no duplicates in all columns, and no
-- duplicates in all the boxes:
valid :: Grid -> Bool
valid g = all nodupes (rows g) && all nodupes (columns g) && all nodupes (boxes g)

How do all the pieces we’ve listed so far fit together? We need at least one thing more to tie them together. Notice that up to now we’re referring to a board of choices (Grid), but to obtain all the solutions we need to have a choice of Boards. This could be the textbook definition of a cartesian product:

-- choices assigns all the possible choices to a Grid, creating Boards:
choices :: Grid -> Board Choices
choices = map (map choice)
        choice v = if empty v then values else [v]

-- collapse will reduce a board of choices to a choice of possible Boards:
collapse :: Board [a] -> [Board a]
-- But how?

-- A board of choices is represented as a choice of boards as the cartesian product of a
-- list of lists, for example:
-- [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]] -> [[1,3,5],[1,3,6],[1,4,5],[1,4,6],[2,3,5],[2,3,6],[2,4,5],[2,4,6]]
cp :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cp [] = [[]]
cp (xs : xss) = [y : ys | y <- xs, ys <- cp xss]

-- Now we can implement collapse:
collapse = cp . map cp

So much simpler than C! Now we can tie everything together with a solver (which is not good enough, as it doesn’t prune): solve' = filter valid . collapse . choices. Since it does no pruning, it’s exceedingly slow: try to enumerate all the grids it considers for the example grid in the Haskell wiki. collapse will be useful later on to a lesser degree, so we’ll keep it around for now - we don’t mind much of its inefficiency.

Pruning a search space

A way to prune the huge search space is to exclude all the choices which already appear in the same row/column/box, so we don’t have to carry them around just to observe they’re not a valid solution later. We’ll base our implementation on the modelling of a board as a matrix - fans of linear algebra will recognise a familiar pattern here:

-- Given two sets of choices, minus will remove the second set from the first:
minus :: Choices -> Choices -> Choices
xs `minus` ys = if is_single xs then xs else xs \\ ys

-- reduce performs this removal on a Row of Choices. Do we have to write 2 more
-- implementations for a column/box? No! We already modeled our columns & boxes
-- as Rows!
reduce :: Row Choices -> Row Choices
reduce xss = [xs `minus` singles | xs <- xss]
        singles = concat (filter is_single xss)

-- Remove any choices which occur as single entries in our row/column/box:
prune :: Board Choices -> Board Choices
prune = pruneBy boxes . pruneBy columns . pruneBy rows
        pruneBy f = f . map reduce . f

Brilliant. We can now prune a board, but only once. Let’s do so repeatedly, until we can’t prune any more:

-- fixpoint recursively applies the function f to x as long as: x /= f(x)
-- The term for this in math is a "fixpoint":
fixpoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixpoint f x = if x == x' then x else fixpoint f x'
        x' = f x

The last thing missing is enforcing the rules of the game.

Board properties and picking a choice

We have already implemented some checks about the validity of sudoku grids, but enforcing its rules before expanding all possible choices will reduce the number of possible solutions dramatically (how much?), and make our solver that much faster.

My thinking goes like this: if we had a search function that recursively expands and prunes a Board, there are exactly three cases:

  • if the board contains a square with no choices, or its choices violate the rules, we’re done
  • if the board contains only a single choice in each square, it’s a solution and we’re done
  • otherwise, for each choice on the board, we prune and search again

Let’s express the above in Haskell:

-- A board is "complete" (solved) when all squares have a single choice:
complete :: Board Choices -> Bool
complete = all (all is_single)

-- A board is unsolvable if any square contains no choices:
unsolvable :: Board Choices -> Bool
unsolvable = any (any null)

-- A row/column/box is "consistent" if it doesn't break the sudoku rules:
consistent :: Row Choices -> Bool
consistent = nodupes . concat . filter is_single

-- A board is "safe" if it doesn't break the sudoku rules:
safe :: Board Choices -> Bool
safe cb = all consistent (rows cb) && all consistent (columns cb) && all consistent (boxes cb)

-- A board is "blocked" if it's unsolvable or not safe:
blocked :: Board Choices -> Bool
blocked b = unsolvable b || not (safe b)

Now here’s how our search function would look:

search :: Board Choices -> [Grid]
search b | blocked b = []
         | complete b = collapse b
         | otherwise = [g | b' <- expand b,
                            g  <- search (fixpoint prune b')]

-- The final piece of the puzzle, so to speak, is `expand`.
-- It behaves like collapse, but instead of performing a cartesian product, we can go with
-- a variety of strategies. We can begin collapsing from, say, the box with fewest
-- choices, or we can just expand the first box, indiscriminately:
expand :: Board Choices -> [Board Choices]
expand b = [rows1 ++ [row1 ++ [c] : row2] ++ rows2 | c <- cs]
        (rows1, row : rows2) = break (any (not . is_single)) b
        (row1, cs : row2) = break (not . is_single) row

Then our implementation becomes:

solve = search . prune . choices

Seems all neat and tidy, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s much slower than it could be. It takes as much as 2 minutes to solve 10 puzzles from the list I mentioned above. In the next few posts, we’ll see how to profile our solution, parallelise it, and further optimize it to solve puzzles in a flash!

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