99 problems in Haskell, 73-80

2015 Aug 24

Problem 73: Lisp-like tree representation.

Easy one. Lispy representation follows a simple rule.

display_lisp :: Tree Char -> String
display_lisp (Node v []) = [v]
display_lisp (Node v ts) = '(' : v : concatMap display_lisp ts ++ ")"

Problem 80: Convert between the different graph representations.

First, we define our types. Quite straightforward:

data Graph a = Graph [a] [(a, a)]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Adjacency a = Adj [(a, [a])]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

data Friendly a = Edge [(a, a)]
    deriving (Show, Eq)

Now, let’s first convert from Graph to Adjacency. An adjacency list for each node (its neighbours) is also straightforward to produce, by gathering the second element of the pair from each edge:

graph_to_adj :: (Eq a) => Graph a -> Adjacency a
graph_to_adj (Graph [] _) = Adj []
graph_to_adj (Graph (x : xs) es) = Adj ((x, neighs) : zs)
    -- Here, the wiki solutions showed me `neighs` could be written as (es >>= f).
    -- In this context, of a list, monadic binding involves:
    -- (>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
    -- so, concatenating the result of mapping the function over all elements of the list.
    -- Neat!
        neighs = concatMap f es
                f (m, n)
                    | m == x = [n]
                    | n == x = [m]
                    | otherwise = []
        Adj zs = graph_to_adj (Graph xs es)

Now, let’s go back from an adjacency list to a graph-term. For each pair, we need to first accumulate its first part into a list, and then produce the cartesian product of the two parts; for ("a", "bc"), the following edges are implied ("a", "b") and ("a", "c"):

adj_to_graph :: (Eq a) => Adjacency a -> Graph a
adj_to_graph (Adj []) = Graph [] []
-- (ns >>= f) , because I'm such a showoff!
adj_to_graph (Adj ((v, ns) : vs)) = Graph ( v : xs) ((ns >>= f) ++ ys)
        -- Remember to prevent the duplicates which are encoded in adjacency-list form:
        f n = if (v, n) `elem` ys || (n, v) `elem` ys then []
              else [(v, n)]
        Graph xs ys = adj_to_graph (Adj vs)

Now the human-friendly form. Conversion from a graph-term form is trivial: list all the edges already explicitly stated by the graph-form, and include an arc from “isolated” nodes to themselves:

graph_to_friendly :: (Eq a) => Graph a -> Friendly a
graph_to_friendly (Graph [] _) = Edge []

-- If we wanted vertices without edges to appear as "Edge [(d, "")]" we could replace
-- `zip i i` with something like `zip i (cycle "")`:
graph_to_friendly (Graph xs ys) = Edge (ys ++ zip i i)
        -- Is are all the Xs which aren't contained in any pairs of Ys:
        i = filter (\x -> all (\(a, b) -> x /= a && x /= b) ys) xs

, and with that said, we can define the conversion from adjacency-list to user-friendly:

adj_to_friendly = graph_to_adj . adj_to_friendly

Now converting from user-friendly to graph-term is not much harder. We filter out the edges from/to isolated nodes to obtain the edges, and just concatenate all the nodes from the edges, and keep unique ones. Sorting is not actually required, unless you want the vertices to appear in some specific order:

import Data.List (nub)

friendly_to_graph :: (Eq a) => Friendly a -> Graph a
friendly_to_graph (Edge []) = Graph [] []
friendly_to_graph (Edge vs) = (Graph xs ys)
        xs = nub $ concatMap (\(a, b) -> [a, b]) vs
        ys = filter (uncurry (/=)) vs

, and of course we can now go from user-friendly to adjacency-list trivially:

friendly_to_adj = friendly_to_graph . graph_to_adj

That wasn’t so bad! We’ll continue with more graphs soon!

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